How to Select a Programmable Resistor for Sensor Simulation

May 21, 2021

If you think about it, sensors control much of our daily lives. Sensors ensure that the food in your refrigerator stays cold, count your steps on a..

Here's Why You Should Use Programmable Resistors for Sensor Simulation

May 21, 2021

As the name suggests, a programmable resistor is a resistor that is changed in value by a test program. The programmable resistor could be a device..

Incorporating Hardware-in-the-loop Simulation into your ECU Test Strategy

May 21, 2021

Several substantial changes in electronic technology over the last twenty years or so have brought about new strategies for automated test. First is..

How a COTS PXI Platform Can Benefit Your Automated Test System

April 19, 2021

IntroductionA commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) industry-standard test and measurement (T&M) platform has distinct advantages for the design,..

How to Choose Between a PXI and PXI Express (PXIe) Chassis

April 13, 2021

If you're having trouble deciding between purchasing a PXI or PXI Express (PXIe) chassis, check out the info below to learn the differences between..

What is PXIe?

April 13, 2021

PXI is a modular instrument system designed to take advantage of the fast data interfaces based on PCI and PCIe bus systems. The PXI standard defines..

How to Automate Fault Insertion Tests in ECUs to Improve Software Quality

April 7, 2021

Testing Engine Control Units (ECUs), especially safety related models, is as much about software testing as well as hardware these days—this is due..

Making the Right Choices when Specifying an RF Switching System

March 3, 2021

Designing an RF switching system can be boring—especially compared to designing the rest of the test system. Most engineers don’t view designing an..

Avoiding Failure Modes in Switch Systems for Test

March 2, 2021

Central to most Automated Test Equipment (ATE) is the signal switching system, the purpose of which is to distribute instrumentation I/O to the unit..

Considerations for Effective PXI Test System Matrix Maintenance

January 19, 2021

A goal of any manufacturing organization is to maximize the time that their test systems are operational. A test system that is down due to..