Switch matrices are a flexible solution that should be part of your test strategy to automate complex test and verification
systems, especially in demanding industries such as aerospace, defense, automotive and semiconductor manufacturing. These matrices help accelerate test times over a manual process for test and facilitate reliable, repeatable and accurate results by eliminating error-prone manual intervention. The use of switch matrices can also help consolidate test processes in one space, rather than be distributed around several locations. Depending on the matrix type, it can also simplify the efforts to add additional test programs to the test system because of its ‘any test point to any instrument’ capability. There are limitations on simultaneous multipoint access as well as bandwidth. But proper matrix selection can shrink your test system and make it more flexible for today and into the future.
There are specific things you can think about to help you to understand how the use of switch matrices can save time and cost, reduce test area floor-space and improve reliability. These include what type of matrix to use whether it be crosspoint, tree multiplexer, RF and Microwave etc. You also want to understand how to configure a large matrix where software packages like Pickering’s signal routing software, Switch Path Manager (SPM), can simplify this programming effort. The maintenance of a switching system to avoid vulnerable positions and much more must also be included in your test strategy.
To learn more on this subject, check out our newest white paper here: Using switch matrices in complex test and verification installations
For more information take a look at our updated SwitchMate Book. If you have questions please contact us.